Friday, June 15, 2007

So tomorrow's my last full day at home. On Saturday, I leave early-ish for Chicago so that my dad can get back home in time to host a dinner get-together. My mom's cooking a big cajun meal for some Korean friends, a bit of ethnic food for ethnic food trade, and of course it's the day I have to leave (cry). Kinda strange, I'm not feeling much excitement, nor apprehension, just the sense that life is inevitably moving on. Plus I guess I've been too busy these last few days to really take in the fact that in a few days I'll be gone from Madison "for good", most likely. I mean yeah I'll still come back in the summers most likely, and for Christmas, but still, embarking on a graduate degree feels different, somehow. I mean, for the first time in my life I'll be truly "on my own". Sure, my parents would probably come through financially for me if in an emergency, and I'll still be attached to my dad's health insurance plan (til 25) . . . but I'm pretty much going to have to handle everything on my own. And thank god for that, one's gotta grow the fuck up eventually. I've always been pretty good at handling finances, but then again I always had my parents in the background. Depending on whether or not International House decides to give me some financial aid, and of course depending on how fast I can nail down some semi-regular work in NYC, money could be really tight, or I could have more than I need next year. Right now the picture is very uncertain. I'm of course hoping for the latter, since there's a good bit I'd like to do/see in New York that costs money. Guess I'll find out soon enough, at least about I-House.
Tomorrow should be pretty simple. Some practicing, a shopping trip to gather up all the missing odds and ends, and the last bit of packing/dissassembling my computer, and that's it for me. Then it's off to the next phase of my life. Kinda sounds cheesy and overly dramatic, but I think it's accurate.