Monday, April 09, 2007

So the "Easter Bunny" was unusually generous this year . . . a good bottle of scotch. There's something about scotch tipsyness that makes it somehow better than being tipsy on other drinks . . . maybe it's the pleasant aftertaste, or the knowledge that it wasn't just boring run-of-the-mill beer that puts one in a bit of a cloud . . . but I like it.
I finally saw The Exorcist last night. As a horror movie buff I had no excuse for waiting this long, other than the fact that when I was about 12 or 13, this movie scared me so bad I had, not so much nightmares but horrible images, for weeks. I'll admit to being rather . . . sensitive when I was younger, especially to frightening movies. After seeing Arachinaphobia, for isntance, I couldn't get near a spider for years. Still don't like them very much, but that's nothing abnormal. But yeah, the Exorcist. Incredible movie, in its own right. Incredible because I think it makes itself very easy to "buy into", in ways that most movies don't. By today's standards it certainly isn't gory, but then again, there are a few scenes in it that I think continue to carry quite a bit of shock value. And that's saying something, for a movie made 35 years ago. It also manages to build tension without being too obvious about it, and then all hell breaks loose, so to speak.

Counting down the days until I have fun things to do again (ie summer) . . . I need to GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE.


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