Tuesday, February 20, 2007

So here I am, still on the road. I'm currently writing from the home of Kathie and Marsha, Kathie being my mom's good friend from college. They offered to let me stay here any time I'm in the area, which will be very nice for my Juilliard/Mannes excursion. It's been quite nice this trip as well, as their home is a very relaxing place, despite their hyperactive (if adorable) daughter Aliya. Two more laid-back people I've seldom met. So this trip basically went like this: Home to my grandparents' house in Ohio, Ohio to Kathie's house in New Jersey, then to downtown New York for my Taos audition last night, out to Joe's house on Long Island, and this morning, from there to my audition at Stony Brook, and then back out to New Jersey. So it's been hectic, and I'm pretty tired out, so I'm collapsed in this wonderfully oversized armchair next to a natural-gas-fueled space-heater. Tomorrow I drive back to Ohio, and then finally back home on Thursday; I'm definitely looking forward to that. Road trips, even alone, are fun; it gives me time o think, to get in touch with CDs I haven't listened to in ages. At the same time, it's always good to not have anything to do the next day, and to have my nice little room with constant internet access, and a steady supply of food.
My auditions went reasonably well. There were high points and low points to both, but at least my Bach and Elgar were very consistent, and went swimmingly at both auditions. For Taos, my chamber music excerpts could have been a lot better, but i suppose they weren't horrendous. My Ligeti today for Stony Brook was kind of horrendous. I was so amped up after the Elgar, I really should have satfor a few seconds and centered myself before launching into Ligeti, but I kinda went pell-mell from Elgar right into it, and wow was it bad. But whatever, at leastI learned something, and i think my Bach and Elgar were good enough to compensate, as, honestly, they were about as good as they've ever been.
So now it's back home to wait for my final two auditions in a week and a half, and waiting to hear from some festivals, and hopefully refining my Ligeti a little bit more; I don't need any more horrendous-sounding Ligeti. Because honestly, I can play that piece really well. I just have to be relaxed, and centered, and in control.
Last night, Joe and i watched the Takashi Miike film Ichi the Killer. I had ordered it through netflix, and it came the day before I had to leave, so I just brought it with me. At a horror movie site it was rated as the fifth most gory movie ever made. I think that's a little overblown. It was pretty horrendously violent, but still, I've seen worse. Good movie though, and bizarre as hell, in typical Miike fashion. I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone, though, especially for those who are offended by scenes of gratuitous violence against women. But that's Japanese cinema for you.


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