Sunday, December 03, 2006

Crazy weekend. Saturday night, me and a friend went to the bar at 11, stayed until 1, drank a good bit, and walked back to his place. I tried to crash there, since at the time I was too drunk to get home, but his roommates were up making all sorts of noise, so I was still awake at around 4 AM, at which time I figured I could drive home. SO I got to bed around 4:30, and had to get up at 7 the next day to coach chamber music. Then the following night (last night) there was a party at aforementioned friend's house, so I went, got shitfaced, hit the sack at around 3AM or so, crashed again, and got maybe 6 hours of sleep. So now I'm dead tired, still nursing a bit of a hangover, and just about ready to keel over. But frankly I needed it, I was made aware of something rather disconcerting last week, and frankly this time getting really drunk actually helped my mood about that a bit. Yeah. Alcohol=therapy.


Blogger kimberlyfitch said...

I had one of those nights, too. ohhhhh, lord.....

I thought of you when I bought apple cider.

What do you use to make it hard?


6:10 PM  
Blogger Nabir said...

Just let it sit for a long while. My dad put two jugs of cider on our front porch (where it's quite cool this time of year) and just let them sit there for a while (1 or 2 weeks). Eventually, it gets hard. We haven't opened the compeltely fermented jug yet, but the halfway hardened stuff we're drinking now is pretty damn good.

12:17 AM  

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