Monday, October 09, 2006

Well, I just realized I haven't updated in over a month. But really, there's not much to say. This year hasn't quite turned out the way I had hoped. I had hoped to get at least an orchestra position or some students or some regular gigs, but none of this has yet materialized. It's almost impossible to get students (at least in this city) being in town for only one year; even the one student who had originally really wanted to work with me decided (or his dad did) that it would be better to stick with his current teacher. Admittedly I have had ONE subbing gig so far, and admittedly that paid for my lessons for an entire semester, but still, things are tight. As a result I've had to cancel any plans to do auditions in Europe; the money just isn't here. Although the other day my mom suggested I sign up as a substitute teacher with the school district. Apparently all you need is a degree in anything. As scary as that sounds, I may just do it. I know from my own experiences that they are quite hard up for subs with any musical experience, and as long as I only take those sorts of jobs, perhaps it would be kinda fun. I dunno, I'm considering it, anyways. The pay apparently is pretty good. That, and in two weeks I have an audition for the Milwaukee Symphony sub list. Even one gig with them would put me in a fine financial situation. So I'm not entirely bereft of options here. I'm just afraid of getting a "normal" job, since I have all of these big auditions coming up, and hopefully a two week road trip in early December in the works. I need to head out east to play for some people, although it may be tricky to set up appointments with everyone.
My social situation in this city isn't really too bad. Admittedly I see no one but my parents (and of course Mr. Vardi) pretty much six days a week, but somehow I've managed a party downtown at least once every friday or saturday. I even went to an honest-to-god college kegger. I'll never go to one again, but it was interesting to see. And actually, just seeing my parents most of the week is all right. I'm playing on my dad's soccer team, which means a game every sunday, and that's been fun, and we've all been watching MASH and Six Feet Under on DVD quite frequently.
For anyone in Rochester or Boston who reads this, I'm planning on hitting Rochester and Boston in the aforementioned road trip. We'll see how that pans out.


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