In case any of you still have doubts that our country's administration is completely out of control (OOC!), here's this from Andrew Sullivan's blog. Perhaps the most disquieting bit of news since Abu Ghraib. This virtually GUARANTEES that such horrific incidents will happen in the future, and likely enough with even greater frequency. One can well say "oh, they're just terrorists." Well, when some crazy country invades ours, and then on a random tip from some people who wish us ill, they pick us up off the street and whisk us away to some secret detention facility, again say, "it's just terrorists." Of course there are innocent men being held in these facilities, and of course guilty ones, too. I can well imagine that even the most hard-core proponents of torture as a reliable source of information would blanch (at least I hope) at the thought of torturing an innocent victim of circumstance. This is why torture MUST be banned outright; it reflects terribly on the humanity of our nation, and yes, we are ALL responsible.
On a lighter note, I spent 6 hours today composing. If Break of Reality won't pick up what I'm writing (one never knows), I can always use it for my project in the fall; that assures no riff will go to waste. And my pickup is due to arrive tomorrow. Yay!
On a lighter note, I spent 6 hours today composing. If Break of Reality won't pick up what I'm writing (one never knows), I can always use it for my project in the fall; that assures no riff will go to waste. And my pickup is due to arrive tomorrow. Yay!
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