Friday, April 28, 2006

Andrew Sullivan, currently the only political blogger I read with any regularity, makes a good point today about the price of gas. While everyone screams about price fixing and big corporations gouging us for every penny, they forget that frankly without this massive price jolt we'll never be able to kick our nasty oil addiction. Yes it's painful, but hopefully these high prices will be part of what sends us scrambling to find new sources of energy, because let's face it, if we want the price of oil to fall, WE'LL HAVE TO STOP WANTING IT SO BADLY. Simple economics, people. If you want price controls move to a communist country. Bush can pretend all he wants, but really there's nothing he can do about gas prices short of even more drastically overreaching his powers than he's used to.
By the way, anyone looking for a reasonable, balanced take on the political issues of the day should read Sullivan. A conservative, yes, but a very reasonable, sane one. Besides, reading someone with whom I frequently disagree is more fun than reading someone who has exactly the same opinions as myself. Plus, he always provides links to what he's commenting on. I hope to follow that model myself, as frankly I don't want to pretend I actually get any of this information on my own.


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